MY baby Jake turns 19.

Packed up all his stuff worldly possessions and saw him off to college.

Twenty minutes and he was already set up.

Parting shot with dad.

Parting shot with mom.
We haven't seen our son in two months!!
Next weekend he will be home for a few days.
I miss him.

My parents have reached a major milestone-Fifty years of marriage. This is their original wedding cake topper.

I was assigned the task of beautifying and updating it.
This is the revamped golden version.
The formal party is in a few weeks.
My task at hand is table favors, photo back drop, and card box.

Onward to Fall.

I just love my mini shovel I bought at my dad's yard sale.
A perfect size for my mini me size.

Spooky Halloween.

Mums are so beautiful.
I love all the colors there are to choose from.

Today was a great day to visit the local Flea Market.
I picked this little doggie for $2.00. He was pretty dirty.
I washed him ever so gently but he still lost a little more paint :(

After the Flea Market trip us girls and Caleb went to Buckley Homestead.

My niece Maria making her own candle.

Another trip and a dip.

One more time.

Some of the gang My daughter, Ashley, my nieces Jessi, Maria, and Catie.
The only boy of the group today was my great nephew, Caleb!

This picture makes me laugh.
Cowboy Character: Miss, can I see your camera.
Me: NO.
CC: Really?
Me: okay...
CC: Hold my sandwich.
Me: Can I eat your sandwich?
Cowboy then takes picture of himself.
CC: Yup, that looks pretty good. That will be a dollar please.
Me: Nope.
CC: I'm just joshing with ya.
Me: I know.

Caleb fascinated with some hay.

Such a lovable sweet boy.

My daughter and niece and their pretty smiles.

Take two--just in case someone didn't smile in the first one.

Random shooting scenes throughout the day.

Off to the Indian Camp and then the school house.

My niece was pushed happy to help Dr. Quackenbush's Magic Show.

What a priceless look and a good sport.
Hope to be back in a few weeks to share photos of my parent's party.
Happy Autumn