Friday, March 18, 2011

Bark Bark, It's the Easter Puppy


Mr. Kane here and I am so embarrassed. This may ruin my reputation in the bully breed world.
A dog must do what a dog must do.

Spring is Nature's way of saying Let's Party! Robin Williams. I scored this free printable here. Seems like forever since sunshine and warm weather. It is finally creeping in Northwest Indiana.

Some of the peeps I've been working on for spring and Easter. I'm loving their lemon twist legs and their new hair accessories. They chose these instead of Easter bonnets. Don't want to mess up their fluffy feather heads.

The tiny purple peepette is fast becoming my bff!!! She's the sweetest! She is around 2 inches tall and just starting to learn to fly~~ In fact she hasn't even grown her wings yet. So her flying consists of hopping around...teehee.

My husband called these "Hello Bunnies". It reminds him of Hello Kitty. Just added pipe cleaners and stuck in a vase filled with rock salt. I may exchange the salt for pretty Easter grass as soon as I dig out my Easter decos. This picture was taken with my cell phone, hence the poor, poor quality.

So, so glad Spring is finally here!!

Happy Spring,


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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sea of Green Peeps

Peep...Peep...Peep times 18.

12 of these Frosty Green Peeps will be so lucky to find a home at Elizabeth's place.

If you have not visited her blog...stop now and GO.......

They are not cramped. They are comfy, cozy all snuggled together in their fluffiness.

One of my favorite views of the peeps.

Each one the same...but different. Their cute little faces always have their own personality.

3 Shamrock Green Peeps and 2 Frosty Green Peeps are in my shop.

They are as fun as a "Barrel of Monkeys" I never could play that game very well.

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Adrienne Cook

Hoping Spring is near!