It's a beautiful day to cross country ski. If it weren't for that I would not have left the house today. About an 1 1/2 hours of skiing through the wooded trails and open fields. Temperature really cooperated hovering above freezing. I always over dress not thinking of how warm I will be by the time I hit the middle of the trail. It is always better to be over dressed than under dressed. Last time out I did not fall one time but this time I had a few tiny falls and one major fall. We went off the beaten path; against my better judgement of course. At the top of the curvy hill I was already pondering the spill I would take. Just like I visioned it, I fell as the trail went around the bend. All the while hoping a giant tree would not get in my way! It was not one of those "oops, I fell" moments at all. It was a hard spill and my left arm fell behind me and jerked at my shoulder. Ouch that kind of smarted, but I survived.
I really hate winter. If it wasn't for Christmas, snow days, and cross country skiing I don't know if I would make it through the season!
As for the picture-I only wished I looked that good while skiing. She looks very determined. Don't get me wrong; I am determined. Determined that I do not want to fall.